Market Parameters
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Last updated
Loan to Value (LTV ratio)
Loan-to-value (LTV) is the ratio describing how much you can borrow against your collateral.
Close Factor
The percent, ranging from 0% to 100%, of a liquidatable account’s borrow that can be repaid in a single liquidate transaction. A liquidator may close up to a certain fixed percentage (i.e. close factor) of any individual outstanding borrow of the underwater account.
Liquidation Incentive
The additional collateral given to liquidators as an incentive to perform liquidation of underwater accounts.
Max Borrow APY
Maximum possible borrow APY
Target Borrow APY
Borrow APY when Current Utilization is equal to Target Utilization
Traget Utilization (Kink Point)
When utilization goes above the target utilization, interest rates are more sensitive to changes in utilization.
Current Utilization
CurrentUtilization = totalBorrows / (totalCash + totalBorrows - total Reserves) Current Utilization determines the interest rate of each market.
Reserves are an accounting entry in each pToken contract that represents a portion of historical interest set aside which can be withdrawn or transferred through the protocol’s governance.
Reserve Factor
The reserve factor defines the portion of borrower interest that is converted into Reserves.
pFRA minted
Exchange Rate